Inspiration Study Circle

UPPSC PCS Exam- Syllabus Overview

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Inspiration Study Circle UPPSC PCS Examination- Syllabus Overview

UPPSC PCS Exam- Syllabus Overview

UPPSC PCS is a state-level examination conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) to recruit candidates for various administrative posts in the government of Uttar Pradesh, India.

The UPPSC PCS Civil Service Exams is an elite exam in Uttar Pradesh that recruits for administrative civil service under the Group ‘A’ Civil Service of the executive branch of the Government of Uttar Pradesh. It requires intense dedication and hard work on the candidates’ part.

Inspiration Study Circle, Dehradun, ranks as the top PCS/PSC institute. Here at ISC, we emphasize static GS, current affairs, and burning topics. These are discussed in class and provided to students through various digital means with hard copy handouts. The Director of Inspiration Study Circle, Mr. Nisheeth Saxena, Dehradun, is an expert in general studies and Geopolitical issues.

UPPSC PCS Exam’s Purpose:

The UP PCS exam is being conducted to select candidates for various Group A and Group B positions in the State Government of Uttar Pradesh. The selected candidates will join as Deputy Collectors, Deputy Inspectors of Police, Block Supervisors, District Transport Assistants, Assistant Commissioners (Commercial Tax), etc,.

UPPSC PCS Preliminary Exam Syllabus

The syllabus for the UPPSC PCS (Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission – Provincial Civil Services) exam typically covers a wide range of subjects. Here is a general outline of the syllabus for the UPPSC PCS exam:

  1. General Studies-I:
    • History of India and the Indian National Movement
    • Indian and World Geography – Physical, Social, and Economic Geography of India and the World
    • Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
    • Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
    • Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity & Climate Change
    • General Science
  2. General Studies-II:
    • Comprehension
    • Interpersonal Skills including Communication Skills
    • Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
    • Decision Making and Problem-Solving
    • General Mental Ability
    • Elementary Mathematics up to Class X level
    • General English up to Class X level
    • General Hindi up to Class X level

UPPSC PCS Mains Exam Syllabus

Paper I– सामान्य हिंदी

  1. दिये गए गद्य खण्ड का अवबोध एवं प्रश्नोत्तर।
  2. संक्षेपण।
  3. सरकारी एवं अर्धसरकारी पत्र लेखन, तार लेखन, कार्यालय आदेश, अधिसूचना, परिपत्र।
  4. शब्द ज्ञान एवं प्रयोग।

(अ) उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय प्रयोग

(ब) विलोम शब्द

(स) वाक्यांश के लिए एकशब्द

(द) वर्तनी एवं वाक्य शुद्धि

  1. लोकोक्ति एवं मुहावरे

Paper II- Essay

There will be three sections in the question paper of the Essays, each Candidate will have to select one topic from each section and write an essay in 700 words on each topic. In the sections, the topics of the essay will be based on the following:

  • Section A – (1) Literature and Culture (2) Social sphere (3) Political sphere
  • Section B – (1) Science, Environment and Technology (2) Economic Sphere (3) Agriculture, Industry and Trade
  • Section C – (1) National and International Events (2) Natural Calamities, Landslide, Earthquake, Deluge, Drought, etc. (3) National Development programs and projects

Paper III- General Studies-I

  • History of Indian Culture, Art Forms, literature, and Architecture from ancient to modern times.
  • Modern Indian history (from A.D.1757 to A.D. 1947), The Freedom Struggle, Post-independence and reorganization.
  • History of the world.
  • Indian Society and culture, Role of Women in society, population, poverty, developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies
  • Meaning of liberalization, privatization, and globalization and their effects.
  • Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism
  • Distribution of major natural resources of the World and industries.
  • Physical Geography, Ocean Geography, Human geography, Boundaries of the world, population, and Settlements.

Paper IV- General Studies II

  • Indian Polity, its structure, Constitution, salient features, various bodies, and their functions.
  • Role of Civil Services in a democracy in the context of emerging trends.
  • India and its relationship with neighboring Countries;
  • Bilateral, Regional, and Global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interest
  • Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests- Indian diaspora
  • Important International Institutions, Agencies their structure, mandate, and functioning
  • Current affairs and events of Regional, State, National and International importance
  • Issues relating to the development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources
  • Issues relating to poverty and hunger, and their implication on politics.

Paper V- General Studies-III

  • Economic planning in India, NITI Aayog, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Issues of Poverty, Unemployment, Social Justice and Inclusive growth.
  • Government Budgets and Financial System
  • Agriculture, e-technology in the aid of farmers, subsidies and minimum support prices, Public Distribution System, Technology missions in agriculture
  • Food processing and industries in India.
  • Land reforms in India since independence, and effects of liberalization and globalization, Infrastructure– Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways, etc.
  • Science and Technology and Achievements and Developments of Indians in science & technology.
  • Environment and Ecosystems, Disaster management.
  • Challenges of International India’s internal security

Paper VI- General Studies-IV

  • Ethics, Integrity, and Human Values
  • Attitude, Aptitude and Foundational Values
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and the world.
  • Values and ethics in Public Administration
  • Probity in Governance
  • Case studies on the above issues

Paper VII- General Studies-V (State GS 2)

  • History, Civilization, Culture, and Ancient Cities of UP.
  • Architecture, their significance and maintainability, museum, archive, and archaeology of UP.
  • Contributions of UP in the 1857 revolt and freedom struggles of India.
  • Rural, Urban, and Tribal affairs and issues
  • Polity and Political System of UP
  • Public Service Commission and Special State Selection Criteria
  • Issues Related to Security, Law, and Order in UP.
  • Medical Health, Education System, and Policy Implementation of UP.
  • Current Affairs, NGOs, Innovation, and Tourism of UP.

Paper VIII- General Studies-VI (State GS 1)

  • Economy of UP, UP Government Schemes, Projects, and Planned Development and Investment.Demography, Population, and Censuses of UP.
  • Commercialization of agriculture, New Forest Policy, Social Forestry, Agricultural Diversity, Developmental Indices of UP.
  • Geography, Transport Network, Power Resources, Infrastructure, Industrial Development, Pollution and Environmental Issues, Pollution Control Board and its functions.
  • Natural Resources, Climate Change and Weather Forecasting, Habitat and Ecosystem, Flora and Fauna regarding UP.
  • Science and Technology in U P.
  • Aquaculture, Viticulture, Sericulture, Floriculture, Horticulture, and Arboric culture in UP.
  • Evolvement of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for UP.

UPPSC- PCS Procedure and Preparation

The process of shortlisting candidates for the Uttar Pradesh Combined State Higher Secondary Services Examination, commonly known as UP PCS goes through the following stages of the procedure. 

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) conducts the UPPCS (Uttar Pradesh Provincial Civil Service) examination to recruit candidates for various administrative posts in the state government of Uttar Pradesh, India. There will be 3 stages for the selection process- Prelims, Mains, and Interview.

Stage I- UPPCS Prelims: The UPPCS Prelims is the first stage of the UPPCS selection process. It consists of two papers: General Studies Paper-I and General Studies Paper-II (also known as Civil Services Aptitude Test or CSAT). Both papers are objective and done offline (pen and paper-based). General Paper-I covers topics like History, Geography, Indian Politics, Economics, Science, and Current Affairs, General Paper-II tests the candidate’s understanding, interpersonal skills, logical thinking, analytical ability, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.

Stage II- UPPCS Mains Exams: The candidates who appeared in the UPPCS prelims exam can appear in the UPPCS mains exam. The UPPCS Mains Exam 2024 will be a written exam consisting of several compulsory and optional papers. The final paper includes subjects like General Hindi, Essay, General Studies (Paper-I to Paper-V), and optional subjects of two papers (chosen by the candidate). The candidate will have to choose an Optional subject from the list of subjects provided by UPPSC.

Stage III- UPPCS Interview- The Personality Test: The UPPCS candidates who clear the main exam will be called for a Personal Interview. Interviews are conducted to assess the candidate’s personality, communication skills, leadership qualities, and general suitability for an administrative role. The UPPCS Interview is very important in the final selection process.

UPPCS Final Selection Procedure: The final recruitment of candidates for the UPPCS Vacancies and Posts will be based on aggregate results in the Mains Exam and the Interview. Marks obtained in the preliminary examination are not considered for final selection.

UPPSC will prepare the final merit list based on the performance of the candidates and the candidates are allotted the posts based on the rank and availability of vacancies.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information about the examination process, it is recommended to refer to the official UPPSC website or notification/advertisement.

Inspiration Study Circle: Strategy for UPPCS Exam

The most important aspect of success in any field is dedication and consistency. The rest completes your hard work.

  • First, understand the UPPCS Civil Services Prelims Exam Syllabus and Pattern.
  • Break down the entire preparation into short-term goals.
  • Study and learn the entire syllabus thoroughly along with regular revision.
  • Focus on one topic at a time and divide your time accordingly.
  • Always look for debates and discussions around you that add quality and knowledge to your brain. This is the best exercise.
  • Read! Reading not only improves your vocabulary but also broadens your horizons.
  • Read books on culture, politics, opinion, newspapers, and most importantly editorial columns.
  • Whatever it is, it is regularly revised at least twice during your tenure.
  • the current situation must be regularly noted and thoroughly reviewed. They make great questions and help with long-term learning goals, especially for interviews.
  • Clear your basic doubts and questions.
  • Focus on CSAT. However, this is an option, but the candidate must cut it.
  • Do your preparation by doing the previous year’s questions and mock tests.
  • Your strategy may have different steps in each phase of preparation, but the work must be continuous.

Key Features of the Foundation Course Batch UP PCS

Starting any preparation early has the highest priority. The UPPCS Foundation Course from ISC offers the following benefits:

  • Candidates study and learn the basics at the bedrock level for one long year.
  • Complete explanation and analysis of topics and content with EXPERT ANALYSIS on every topic of every lesson.
  • Scheduled Online and seven-day classes.
  • Lectures are designed for students in small groups at a time to encourage greater student and teacher participation.
  • ISC has a combination of the best teachers and an experienced team.
  • Every class is an equipped smart classroom equipped for better understanding and comfort.
  • Daily and monthly provision of current affairs.
  • Critical Discussion of critical, current, and contemporary topics within the classroom.
  • A learning approach that includes complex and analytic approaches.
  • Candidates are given important points and markers in each topic.
  • Focus on the areas with the most questions.
  • Provision of preparation books and teaching materials.
  • Structured revision of important points.
  • Scheduled Test Series based on the whole course.
  • Full-length test series for the final preparation.
  • Current Affairs Test Series.
  • Answer Writing Tutorial to write Mains comprehensive answer.

Special Batches of State GK and GS for UP

Candidates of UPPCS (Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission) should prepare thoroughly for State General Knowledge (GK) apart from the general subjects mentioned in the syllabus. Inspirational Study Circle provides Exclusive State GK Classes specifically for UPPCS preparation.

Special faculty for this class with extensive knowledge bank will conduct detailed lectures to prepare UP GK, and UP GS, for State Level Exams.

Special CSAT Classes for UPPSC PCS

CSAT (Civil Service Aptitude Test) is an important part of the UPPCS Prelims exam. UPPSC conducts the provincial service exams prelims in two stages: preliminary exam (preliminary exam) and main exam (main exam). The first stage consists of two papers: a General Studies (GS) paper and a CSAT paper. CSAT exam tests the aptitude and reasoning ability of the candidates. The CSAT is designed to assess a candidate’s personality and thinking skills, not individual subjects. They assess the candidate’s understanding, analytical, logical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Questions in the CSAT paper cover topics such as reading, quantitative ability, logical reasoning, interpreting information, and English comprehension.

A Note from the Director’s Desk

“Get up, get started, get going!”

The aspiration for UPSC exams can be very rightly expressed in the words of the Great Missile Man of India Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, “A dream is not what you experience in your sleep. A dream is that which does not let you sleep.”

ISC provides regular, specialized classes for CSAT for UPSC 2024 as well as UPPCS 2024 Prelims preparation with expert faculty around 3-4 classes per week. We also offer standardized tests and CSAT-based specialized test series.

If you are a candidate who wants to join the esteemed All India Civil Services, State Civil Services, or Defense Services, consider enrolling in Inspiration Study Circle, Dehradun, the best IAS/PCS institute to get the best experience in learning and training. ISC will guide you to achieve your goals.

Contact us today to find out more about our various courses or visit our website.

Greetings and Compliments,

Inspiration Study Circle, Dehradun

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